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的 recovery period after cardiac arrest is now considered a key element of survival, according to updated guidelines for emergency 心肺复苏 and heart care that also tackle health disparities and opioid overdoses.

新的指导方针 issued Wednesday by the 美国心脏协会 provide science-based recommendations to maximize someone's chance of surviving cardiac arrest, 当心脏突然停止跳动时会发生什么. 在美国,90%的心脏骤停导致死亡.S. 当它发生在医院外面时.

的指导方针, 最近更新于2015年, re-emphasize the importance of getting more bystanders to perform hands-only 心肺复苏 until emergency workers arrive. Fewer than 40% of people who have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive 心肺复苏 from a bystander.

“心脏骤停是生死攸关的情况. 当每一秒都很重要, it's important for lay people to be ready and willing to start 心肺复苏,”医生说。. 蕾娜的商人, chair of the AHA Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee that helped write the guidelines, 发表在美国心脏协会期刊《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上. She is an associate professor of emergency medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

的指导方针 recommend lay rescuers initiate 心肺复苏 on a person with presumed cardiac arrest, because the risk of harm to patients from 心肺复苏 is low even if their heart hasn't stopped beating.

"We strongly reaffirm the need for lay people to press hard and fast in the center of the chest for 120 compressions per minute, 至少两英寸深,商人说, adding that remembering the beat and chorus to the Bee Gees' hit "Stayin' Alive" can help bystanders know how fast to press.

最大的指导方针变化之一, 据商人说, 把恢复作为官方“生存链”的一环吗."

这是一系列关键行动,包括拨打911, 进行心肺复苏术并使用自动体外除颤器, 或AED, a device that restores a normal heartbeat by sending an electric shock to the heart. 恢复阶段包括需要治疗, 心脏骤停幸存者的监测和康复, 包括焦虑评估, 抑郁症和创伤后压力.

“这是一个新的关注点, 我们能做些什么来支持他们的身体, cognitive and psychosocial needs after they have a cardiac arrest and after they leave the hospital?商人说. “最新的研究告诉我们,这真的很重要."

总共, the 2020 guidelines update makes 491 recommendations about adult, 儿科和新生儿心肺复苏术生命支持和复苏. Some of the other important new or updated recommendations include:

– Two new opioid emergency protocols emphasize that lay rescuers and trained responders should not delay activating the emergency response system and giving naloxone when appropriate, and to provide immediate 心肺复苏 for a cardiac arrest caused by an opioid overdose.

– New methods to use mobile phone technology to increase the rate of bystander 心肺复苏 and use of an AED. 例如, emergency dispatch systems could use phone apps to alert willing bystanders of a nearby event where help is needed.

-鼓励针对社会经济因素的旁观者培训, racial and ethnic populations with lower rates of bystander 心肺复苏. Training also should address gender-related barriers to improve bystander 心肺复苏 rates for women.

– A new recommendation for pediatric 心肺复苏 that uses one breath every two to three seconds, 每分钟总共呼吸20到30次.

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